Friday, May 10, 2013

saying goodbye to childhood

Ok so I fully understand that I am 25 years old and my childhood was gone a long time ago! But there are still little pieces and reminders of it everywhere for me and I like it that way! I grew up in the same house from the age of 3 until I moved out for College. My parents still live in the same house and I like it that way. Once while I was in junior my parents looked at buying another house and moving and I threw a FIT! I didn't want to move... this was my home and I didn't want to live anywhere else. Which is funny considering the other house would have been bigger but it didn't matter to me! Maybe this is why I dont deal well with big life changes (hmmm). Anyways, in the last few years slowly there have been little pieces of my childhood that have vanished one by one and without me even realizing the significance. But yesterday my mother informed me that they shut off their house phone since they hardly ever use it and it cost entirely too much money! Totally understandable and logical but dang it I could help but go WHAT! NO! I have had that same number my entire life! It was the first number I memorized heck its one of only like three numbers I have memorized now (thank you cell phones) and now its gone! In 30 days if I call that phone number I will have reached a completely different house and a different family! With my birthday coming up (which I'm in complete denial and have decided to just skip it and stay 25) I just realized how many little things have changed and happened in the last couple years that are all little memories and pieces of my childhood. Fact of life I guess but doesn't make me life it anymore!!

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